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A sight over fashion dimentions

A sight over fashion dimentions


Delicate and sofisticated , 2016 spring summer trend again introduces concept of effeminacy and romance highly eccented on floral design and motive.In the last few years they have become an engine of design- linked with different stiles and materials, like jacquard, satin and lace. Ultra fine and light layers delicately wrapping body, presented not only as vision and model, but also as a impreson of the look over the fashion.

The nostalgia on 70-s keeps growing, until it finally reaches its peak in the new season. This year`s tends are provoked by the happy and energised 70`s & 80`s when design was an obsession, fashion is of a key importance and floral shapes slowly turn into geometric ones.

On the other hand embossed shapes and designs meet the spirit of ” rock culture” and “ as the sillouette becomes bold and sexy. “ Black to black” means- that black is a base of all tends, that focus on feminen and glamour. Woman of today is daring nad straight forward. She puts a hilight on her appearance, brings back the architecture sillhouettes, but keeping tenderness and lightness

Seaking balance between emancipated vision and effeminacy is a well fair, that goes through spectacular rise. It`s of a key importance of introducing the sense and sensitivity both in physical and psychological aspects. We leek at the woman`s body as a main source inspiration. The models we create are not simply cousy, they match body like second skin.


Autor: Ivo Jordanov

Femi's fashion designer


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